Right before I started this post, I glanced at the date to see when I last wrote anything of substance. August was a long time ago. Sheeesh.
I know I've been moaning about what a kick in the ass the last couple of years have been but I had no idea that the ass-kicking would linger until the end of the year. As I speak, I am just getting my bearing from the tailspin I have been in.
These last couple of years have been a time of profound loss. You name it; loss of loved ones, financial stability, belongings, pride, purpose, hope and determination. It's only been in the last couple of days that I've felt compelled to write. That's a huge stride for me. It was very difficult living inside myself during this time. Not writing meant that I was hollow inside and I felt every square inch of nothingness. I've experienced the depth of my emptiness.
Now I can experience the depth of fulfillment. Once the dust settles, it's worth writing about.