Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Notice anything different?

Yep, I have my ebooks on display to the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>
They look pretty good, if I do say so myself. I like to call it my "Virtual Garage Sale"....

Feel free to browse the titles and email if you're interested in buying one or all of them! (A girl can hope, right?)
Conversations with Pearl:

The true story of a woman I worked with via long distance and finally met before she succumbed to Cancer. She was the hootiest, (is that a word?) most bizarre and wonderfully wierd person I ever met! She was downright irreverant. It's a great read.....Project Greenlight gave me rave reviews on that script.

“...As a straight narrative it is touching and impressive…the action is small, personal and dramatic – the subject matter is serious and you have a flair for telling it in a readable conversational way…you have very obvious strengths…you have wit, humor, depth and perspective…”

Missing My Body:

The true story of a young man battling Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and his journey through life as a quadriplegic. He's a remarkable young man....

The Underbelly of the HR Professional

Yep, I'm that insider's's a funny yet disturbing look at how callous HR people tend to get in their jobs. I call them (cause I was one) "Underpaid Social Workers with a bad attitude".

Glittering Secrets

Good Lord, you must know by now I wrote this one too. I have it posted everywhere.

Be sure to email me if you're interested in any of these books!

More Musings Later-

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Have I started my new Book? NOOOOOOoooooooo

That's ok. I've been busy trying to get all of my writing contracts signed and faxed, writing articles for clients, and so on. busy busy busy. That's the way I like it though!

I was really hoping to get started on my book, but I'm in the midst of writing 4 as we speak, and there isn't much time for me to stick my own work in there! I have to admit, I am really excited about 2007! I think it will be a fruitful year!

Followup news: I now have 3 corporate clients, in addition to individual clients. I've only heard back from 1 Literary agent in New York City: Her comments stated that she liked my writing, but she preferred a different style of suspense/thriller novel. Ahhh, such is life.

I promise, as soon as I get at least a paragraph down of my new book, I will write about it here. Happy Yule Y'all,
More Musings Later-

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dreams that Define My Next Book...

If you're an author, or even an avid reader, I'm sure you have wondered...."How do other writers come up with book ideas?" Well, I have had major writer's block on coming up with a subject matter that was of interest.

I've had an idea for years on writing a book about the youngest child to be committed to an insane asylum....(fictional of course) and his journeys, breaking out of the hospital and so on. But the subject matter just seems too dark right now. Not so much when you give someone a brief synopsis of the idea, but when you sit down to really write it. So that one is on hold.

BUT....I dreamed last night what I SHOULD write about. (That is a new one for me). I am going to title it, "In My Skin", the same title as one of my poems. Once I copyright the idea, I will expand upon it here.

More Musings Later-

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What a Difference 4 days make...

Just 4 days ago....Nov 29, I insisted that "Failure is NOT a freaking option." How true that statement is if you believe it. Don't get me wrong, I haven't earned any cash in those 4 days, I don't even have a job lead for that matter. staying true with my new mantra, FINAFO, I did something that I did several years ago and after hearing the feedback, I decided that I should wait a very long time before doing it again. That is: Querying a literary agent. They usually say something like, "Don't call us, we'll call you.....we have plenty of clients at the moment, but thank you for your query.... etc. etc. etc.

Well......guess what? I have F-O-U-R , countem FOUR NYC literary agents requesting to see my work. I really love what did I do? Apply for a ghostwriting position with a book publisher. Guess what? I'M HIRED. They will contact me when a client needs a writer within my genre.

So remember those of you struggling with your craft out there: KEEP GOING, BECAUSE FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

More Musings Later-